You are the dot on a dice. Find a way to the red portal out of the dice.

Movement: W, A, S, D, or arrows.

Press 'R' to restart the level. 

After you finish the level, press 'N' to enter the next level.

There are only 2 levels as of now.

First we tried to utilize the existing Rigid body physics of the Unity. About 10 hours before the Jam end we decided the amout of bugs with this approach is too high and started to develop our own system for the movement around the dice. But we were unable to finish any working prototype before the end of the Jam.

It can happen that the dot just deflects too far away from the dice. Just press 'R' and start over.

Comming over the dice edge should trigger the rotation of the dice. If that does not happen at some point, roll a little bit away from the edge and try again.


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Did anybody made it to 2nd level? :D
